Elizabeth Post, the Executive Director of the San Fernando Valley Bar Association, wrote in her December monthly column: “Celebrating the Season of Giving! DECEMBER IS A TIME FOR giving and for celebrating, two traditions embraced by the San Fernando Valley Bar Association and Valley lawyers. Early December marks the kick off of the SFVBA’s annual campaign to solicit funds for Blanket the Homeless, the community service program of the San Fernando Valley Bar Association and the Valley Community Legal Foundation. The popular program was conceived in 1995 by Past President Robert Weissman, whose presidency was marked by his slogan “Make a Difference.” Bob made a difference by leading the Bar to establish the Blanket the Homeless Program to provide free blankets to homeless people and victims of domestic violence in the Valley. Since the advent of the program in 1995, SFVBA members have donated more than $150,000 to acquire about 40,000 blankets for the Valley’s homeless and battered women shelters, including Children of the Night, M.E.N.D., Women’s Care Cottage, BRIDGES, Hillview Mental Health, Haven Hills, San Fernando Valley Interfaith Council, San Fernando Valley Mental Health Center and L.A. Family Housing. This year, on Saturday, December 14, Bar leaders and staff will be on hand in the parking lot of L.A. Family Housing in North Hollywood to distribute in excess of 1,500 blankets to area shelters. A $50 donation will buy 11 blankets for the Valley’s homeless and domestic violence shelters.” I’m proud to have helped create Blanket the Homeless and more proud that it’s still going strong. Please donate to this worthy, local cause. To make a donation, contact Elizabeth Post at: epost@sfvba.org or call the SFVBA at (818) 227-0490. Robert